Refund Policies
Refund Policies
Membership fees to website are recurring until subscription cancellation. You agree to be personally liable for all charges incurred by you during or through the use of this site. Membership may not be assigned or transferred to any other person or entity. The member must promptly inform website of breaches of security, such as loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure or use of an ID or password. Until website is notified by e-mail or by telephone of a breach in security, the member will remain liable for any unauthorized use of the service. Website reserves the right to contract with a third party for payment processing and such third party may have additional terms and conditions concerning payment.
You must convey cancellation requests three days prior to your rebill date for monthly memberships and at least 36 hours prior to your rebill date for three day limited trial offers or you will be liable for the rebill subscription fee. Either website or the member, upon notification of the other by electronic or conventional mail, or by telephone, may terminate at any time, and without cause, membership to website. Members are liable for charges incurred by them until termination of service.
f you believe you have been erroneously billed, you must notify website of such erroneous billing within 30 days of said charge, or the charge shall be considered valid.
You may request a one-time refund for the services purchased for this website in the event that you are not satisfied or for any reason within 90 days. The services, subscription and access to this website will be terminated upon such refund. You may not create multiple accounts and request multiple refunds. Certain jurisdictions may provide additional statutory rights. Nothing herein is meant to limit your return or cancellation rights under local law.